Buried alongside plants, the Olla (or Oya) is a terracotta olla irrigation pot that acts as an underground water reservoir. Porous, the terracotta distributes water according to the plant's needs, without excess or evaporation, ensuring optimal moisture for the surrounding soil. Gentle, self-sufficient and very economical, this age-old irrigation technique is suitable for all plant types, whether in the ground or in pots. Handcrafted in France by Poterie Jamet, using unglazed clay from French quarries, our ollas are both functional and eco-friendly.

Each size of olla watering pot has a specific range and autonomy time, see "product details" below. For more details, see our Journal article on how olla watering systems work and how to use them in the garden.

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Dig a hole slightly larger than the volume of the olla. Water the hole and the soil around it to encourage water conductivity. Place the olla in the hole and bury it up to its neck. Fill with water and place the top over the opening. Mulch the surface to limit evaporation and improve the olla's irrigation capacity. Monitor the speed at which the olla flows and make sure it doesn't run dry. To apply fertiliser, pour it directly into the olla, diluting it with water. Even though frost-resistant, it's best not to fill the olla when it's very cold (except for plants stored indoors for the winter).

Olla: A Watering System That Naturally Adapts to Your Plants' Needs

The Ollas: An Ancestral Irrigation Technique

Ollas are the solution for ecological and optimal watering of your plants. This clay pot irrigation technique has been used in the most arid regions of the world since ancient times. Ollas are clay jars that are buried at the base of plants and filled with water. Through their porous clay walls, water flow is naturally regulated according to the climate and the plant roots' needs. They provide your plants with a constant supply of water, reducing the frequency of watering. Water autonomy ranges from 1 to 4 weeks depending on the size.

In the Ground or in BACSAC® Pots

Irrigation by Ollas has long proved its benefits for plant development as well as its environmental advantages. Ollas are perfectly suited for pot cultivation and offer a sustainable solution for those without automatic watering systems. Their operation is simple: when the soil moisture tension is high, the Olla releases water. Handmade from entirely natural materials, the olla jars are adaptable to all climatic conditions and all types of plants. Their operation is simple: when the air and soil are dry, the Olla releases water. When the soil and air are moist, the Olla retains water.

The Olla has a very beneficial self-regulating capacity for the development of your plants, making it one of the most efficient irrigation pots available. Olla watering is a reasoned method that allows for 50% to 75% water savings. More beneficial than manual or automatic watering, olla watering prevents plants from experiencing water stress, whether too little or too much water, ensuring the plants' roots remain healthy. Its lid prevents water evaporation during hot weather and regulates water temperature in winter. In extreme cold, it is advisable to protect your Ollas by covering them with mulch (straw, fallen leaves collected in autumn). Ollas can also be effectively used in raised beds, ensuring that even elevated garden setups receive consistent and efficient watering.

The Olla and Permaculture: A Harmonious Alliance

In the context of permaculture, which aims to establish self-sufficient and environmentally friendly watering systems, the Olla emerges as a valuable tool. This olla watering system, based on the principle of natural and gradual water diffusion, aligns perfectly with this approach. The Olla ensures controlled irrigation and thoughtful water consumption, in line with the plants' needs and permaculture principles.

Thus, it prevents unnecessary waste, supports biodiversity, and promotes soil health. Additionally, the olla's material, terracotta, is entirely natural and biodegradable, ensuring minimal impact on the soil surrounding the plants. In summary, adopting the Olla means choosing a reasoned irrigation method that promotes sustainable and nature-respectful agriculture.

Diversify Your Plantings with the Olla

Using the Olla can open up new perspectives for diversifying your garden. By ensuring controlled irrigation that respects the specific needs of each plant, this tool can foster the growth of varieties you might not have considered before. For a bountiful garden, think of vegetables and fruits like tomatoes, cucumbers, or zucchinis. These thirsty plants can benefit from the gentle and continuous irrigation provided by the Olla.

You can also opt for Mediterranean plants such as thyme, lavender, or rosemary. Although they are known for their drought resistance, they will appreciate the regular water supply provided by the Olla, especially during hot and dry summer periods. In short, the Olla can be a formidable ally for enriching and diversifying your vegetable garden. Don't hesitate to experiment, play with different varieties, and be surprised by the possibilities offered by this ancient irrigation tool.

How the Olla Contributes to the Fight Against Climate Change

The Olla, through its design and use, plays a significant role in combating climate change. Its particularly economical watering method significantly reduces water consumption, a resource increasingly threatened by climate change. With the Olla, you can substantially reduce your water consumption, achieving up to 75% savings—a concrete step toward preserving our water resources.

Moreover, the artisanal production of the Olla, relying on natural materials, involves a reduced energy cost, making the terracotta pot an eco-friendly choice. There is no need for plastic or energy-intensive industrial processes to produce these jars. Finally, by promoting healthy and robust plant growth, the Olla contributes to carbon sequestration, a major challenge in the fight against climate change. Therefore, choosing the Olla for your garden irrigation means taking concrete action to preserve our planet.

Made in France

Manufactured by Poterie Jamet, founded in 1974, our Ollas underwent two years of research to achieve the highest performance possible.

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